Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The (kinda) Top 30 Innovations of the Last 30 Years

Since Nils beat me to the punch on the Presidential Leadership ranking, stupid jet-lag, here is a "celebration" by the Nightly Business Report and Knowledge@Wharton of the top 30 innovations since 1979. Below, top ten, complete list here.

10. Non-invasive laser/robotic surgery (laparoscopy)
9. Office software (Spreadsheets, word processors)
8. Fiber optics
7. Microprocessors
6. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
5. DNA testing and sequencing/Human genome mapping
4. E-mail
3. Mobile phones
2. PC/laptop computers
1. Internet/broadband/WWW (browser and HTML)

It should be noted that any list of this type not including "amateur porn" cannot be considered exhaustive.

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